PLEASE NOTE: Our luxury apartments can only be booked for adults aged 18 and over. Please note our seasonal times. A warm welcome!

Dear guests,

In accordance with our philosophy, we are a child-free luxury resort / residential complex only for adults aged 18 and over.

Be warmly welcomed and feel completely at home with us!

Further details can be found under the menu item: Residence


Cold therapy on Rügen: wellness for horse and rider

The Kubitzer Bodden Residenz offers you a relaxing holiday in which body and mind find one again. A specialty of our house is cryotherapy on Rügen. The cold treatment is used in naturopathic practice for humans and horses.

As soon as the body perceives the cold stimulus, the organism tries to prevent further loss of cold. The release of cytokines, messenger substances that fuel inflammation, is greatly reduced. The arteries contract so that no further heat is lost. The blood flow slows down in the cold spots. Liquid can no longer penetrate the damaged tissue. The activity of the metabolism is already reduced by 50 percent when the body temperature is lowered by ten degrees Celsius. The speed at which nerve stimuli are passed on to the brain is greatly reduced. After the cold bath you will perceive a pleasant relief of your pain. The tension in the muscles is only increased briefly in the first few seconds. After 15 minutes of exposure to the cold, the tension in the muscles quickly decreases. The fascia tension is reduced, as the ligaments and tendons relax, the tension on the already stressed joints also decreases.

How long does cryotherapy take on Rügen?

Depending on your needs, cryotherapy can be applied locally or as a whole-body therapy on Rügen. In the case of local exposure to cold, the treatments last between 15 and 20 minutes. In the cold chamber, which has a temperature of minus 70 to minus 120 ° C, you can stay for a maximum of three minutes. During the stay in the cold chamber, exposed areas of the body, such as ears, nose, hands and feet, are protected for sensitive people. You can have cryotherapy at the Baltic Sea carried out several times a day in order to achieve a better effect.

Does cryotherapy have any side effects?

It can happen that you briefly feel a burning pain as a result of the strong cold stimulus. Cryotherapy should not be performed in the case of circulatory disorders due to diabetes or heart disease.

In the Kubitzer Bodden Residenz, your cryotherapy sessions are carried out by professional staff. If carried out correctly, there are no side effects.

A specialty of the Kubitzer Bodden Residenz: cryotherapy for horses

The Residenz specializes in the implementation of cryotherapy on horses. Cryotherapy on Rügen is offered by the Residenz exclusively in the region for people and horses..

When is cryotherapy used in horses?

Cold therapies are used both in the event of illness and as a preventative measure to improve performance. In acute laminitis, the cold soothes the pain in the extremities. Inflammatory and febrile processes in the body are reduced, as the production of cytokines in horses also quickly falls below 50 percent.

Cold accelerates wound healing in the event of injuries and supports the regeneration of the skin through increased blood circulation and the production of elastic fibers.

As a preventive measure, cryotherapy supports the relaxation of the muscles, the blood flow in the tissue and leads to an increase in performance and activity.

Why are horses less sensitive to cold in their extremities?

With cryotherapy for horses, the extremities are exposed to high levels of cold. Why don't the horses' feet freeze to death. You have probably already observed that horses can stand in the snow for several hours in winter without having any problems with the cold. The phenomenon is since there are no more muscles below the ankle and carpal joint. Bones, tendons and ligaments are of course less sensitive to cold than muscles. Frostbite and other negative effects do not occur when horses are treated with cold.

What do you have to pay attention to in the case of cryotherapy in horses?

You can achieve the greatest effect with cryotherapy on Rügen if you warm up your muscles before entering the cold chamber. Light training should be carried out immediately after the cold bath after warming up.

Horses need rest after cryotherapy. After the treatment, they may not be ridden or put on pasture. The cold has reduced the transmission of pain stimuli via the nerves. The proprioceptors in the horses' hooves also react very slowly. So your horse is hardly able to correctly assess the ground over which it is moving. If you already have osteoarthritis or minor injuries that make it necessary to protect your extremities, your horse should not be moved after cryotherapy in the Baltic Sea. It does not feel any pain for a short time and therefore does not spare the affected extremity.

Cryotherapy in the Residenz Kubitzer Bodden on Rügen - Holiday for horse and rider

Cryotherapy on the Baltic Sea is only offered by RKB in this region. Here you can not only come on holiday together with your horse, but also enjoy the wellness offers. The Residenz Kubitzer Bodden is the only naturopathic practice that carries out cryotherapy on horses on the Baltic Sea.

Get to know your horse better and spend a wellness holiday together at the Residenz Kubitzer Bodden, the only center with cryotherapy in this region.

Get to know the untouched landscape of Rügen together. Your horse will be stabled in modern stables and can graze and trot on large pastures. All therapeutic measures are tailored to your horse by the naturopathic practice. Get back on your feet together in the Residenz Kubitzer Bodden on Rügen.

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How many guests?
Our apartements have a capacity for 4 Guests each. If you want to travel with more than 4 Guests please contact our Service-Team.